Body, Mind, Spirit-A Healthier You

Paul Keggington

July 05, 2008

img_4332_0901.jpgOn Saturday, July 5, 2008, the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity hosted Body, Mind, Spirit – A Healthier You. Each summer a health workshop is held just for the Sisters.  This year Bishop Robert Morneau began  the day with a keynote entitled Health: Our Greatest Wealth? at the Generose Enrichment Center in Manitowoc, WI. His reflection began with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s claim: “The first wealth is health.” All were invited to consider physical, social, psychological, political, economic, spiritual, intellectual, moral and cultural health.

img_4325_0895.jpgBreak out sessions followed on a variety of relevant topics. Sister Patricia Linssen, OSF, Sister Caritas Strodthoff, OSF and Sister Anne Turba, OSF were responsible for the initial planning.

Mary Turba, a diabetes educator assisting patients in improving their management of diabetes through education and support at St. Mary Hospital, Green Bay, WI, led one seminar.

Sister Anne Turba, OSF, experienced as an adult nurse practitioner, focused participants on Weight Reduction. She is dedicated to the health of the Sisters in the Community Health Clinic at the Motherhouse, and also serves on the board for Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc, WI.

img_4343_0912.jpgSister Michael Ann O’Donnell, OSF, finding the movements of Tai Chi helpful, facilitated another interactive session. “Tai Chi was called to my attention about five years ago when Sister Anne Turba, OSF, was conducting a study to determine if this type of exercise could help aging bodies maintain good balance. I am confident that others, too, will appreciate this type of sitting or standing exercises.”

Evelyn Sbar, MD, presented Cholesterol/Hypertension in the conference hall of the Generose Enrichment Center. “As a board certified family practioner, I gained the img_4341_0910.jpgknowledge and training to care for your health while studying at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, and completing a residency with the university’s Department of Family Medicine, Amarillo.”

Sister Anne Marie Lom, OSF, presently serving as a spiritual director for her own Franciscan Sisters and also on staff at St. Raphael Parish, Oshkosh, WI, offered a reflection on A Franciscan Approach to Change. She gives retreats, workshops and days img_4334_0903.jpgof recollection to various adult groups including faculties and health care staffs.

Sister Carol Ann Gambsky, OSF, directed group prayer moments during the day. Sister Patricia Linssen, OSF, Sister Caritas Strodthoff, OSF, and Sister Anne Turba, OSF were responsible for the initial workshop planning, while Sister Adrianna Schouten, OSF assisted with food for the body needs.

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