From Harley Davidson Welcome to Insignia Ceremony

Paul Keggington

December 09, 2008

img_49701.jpgRemember Pam Peasel’s arrival on the Manitowoc shoreline in late August amid the Harley Davidson crowd? Well, time has passed since Pam began her first days with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.

Today, on a snowy December 8th feast of the Immaculate Conception, in a communal prayer setting, Pam was formally accepted to the Postulancy. This is a time of living with others who have dedicated themselves to the Lord and carry on His work. Sister Pat Sevcik serves as Pam’s guide in assimulating the spirit of Francis.

5452sm.jpgIn Thomas Celano’s first book there is a reference about Francis making himself a tunic in the image of the cross. It was to be a reminder of the call to imitate Christ. Sister Louise Hembrecht, OSF, Community Director, presented Pam a tau cross with Jesus hand covering that of St. Francis (the Franciscan insignia) as a reminder of her own call to follow Christ. Sister Louise encouraged all present to respond with generosity to whatever God may ask and to live the Gospel joyfully.Consider.�

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