How to Be a Transformational Witness of Hope

Paul Keggington

June 27, 2009

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Hours after Dominican Fr. Thomas Mc Gonigle, O.P. finished preaching Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical message of hope to a group of retreatants at the Motherhouse,  the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity began celebrating the Silver and Golden jubilees of their Sisters.

50 years

Sister Margie Traeger, Sister Mary Stephen Keller, Sister Mary Ann Nugent, Sister Mary Gabriel Van Dreel, Sister June Smith, Sister Alice Marie Hickok, Sister Judith Norwick, Sister Dorothy Wagner, Sister Carol Mathe, Sister Maryanne Froehlich

25 years

Sister Joellen Kohlmann, Sister Helen Marie Paul

Just how are these Sisters and each person called to be transformational witnesses of hope?

  • Keep the world open to God; your commitment to God opens the door of hope for others.
  • Look at the common good; foster an ability to adapt, a generosity of spirit.
  • Hang on to formal prayer; the sacraments, etc., set the stage, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us to deeper levels of prayer.
  • Continually hand to Christ our lives trusting in his healing work within us (on his time table). Don’t give up.
  • God’s Word is crucial; it is there for the on-going development of our lives.

Do you have special words of hope or blessing for these Franciscan Sisters?

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