Franciscan Alert: Bob Filoramo and The Innocence Mission Offer Free Downloads For Feast of Christ the King

Paul Keggington

November 01, 2010

Presenting two pertinent perspectives on the Christology of Jesus in this month praising Christ the King, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity offer free music downloads with musicians Bob Filoramo (Jesus Christ Is Lord) and The Innocence Mission (Christ is Our Hope). One song emphasizes praise and power in the name of Jesus. The other reflects on the need for Christ’s redemptive love.

Jesus Christ Is Lord by Bob Filoramo

Musician Bob FiloramoComments from Bob

“Jesus Christ Is Lord” is a worship hymn that I composed using the powerful words from one of the scriptures that has meant so much to me.  For me this scripture, from Philippians 2, sums up Jesus’ mission and ultimate sacrifice.  Though He was God He humbled Himself and became human like us, accepting even a miserable death on a cross for all of us.  He rose from the dead and conquered death.  Because of all of this He is to be exalted by all beings and before Him every knee will bend and every tongue will proclaim that Jesus Christ Is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.  There is such power in the declaration of the mighty words, “Jesus Christ Is Lord”. We can never say or sing these four words enough.


Jesus Christ Is Lord

His state was divine, yet he did not cling to his equality with God, but emptied himself, took the form of a slave and he became like all men. And being like all men he was humbler yet accepting death, death on a cross. But God raised him high and gave him the mighty name which is above all other names. So that all beings in the heavens, on the earth and in the underworld, should bend the knee at Jesus’ name and every tongue should proclaim:

Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.

And being like all men he was humbler yet accepting death, death on a cross. But God raised him high and gave him the mighty name which is above all other names.

Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.
Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.
Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.
Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.


Bob Filoramo’s Facebook profile


Christ is My Hope by The Innocence Mission

The Innocence MissionComments from The Innocence Mission

Dear Friends,

Our new record, my room in the trees, was released on July 13.
We hope that you are well.

Karen, Don, and Mike

Comments from Karen

I’m touched by your interest in the song “Christ Is my Hope”. It surely is a very humble song, too humble, I’m afraid, for the prayer that it echoes. 

The words we pray before Communion-  Lord, I am not worthy to receive You but only say the word and I shall be healed-  I know they are the most important words of my whole week.  After praying that prayer  at Mass I have the feeling of exhaling a deep breath.  


Christ Is My Hope
(Karen Peris)

You can say the word.
Unworthy though I am,
O bread of life,
O bread of life,
I will be healed and come.

Hold me in your arms,
bridegroom of my soul,
O bread of life,
O bread of life,
I will be healed and come.

Christ, Christ is my hope.
Christ, Christ is my light.
Christ, Christ is my hope.
Christ, Christ is my light,
O my light.

I have been afraid�
but I’m on the way to this table.
O bread of life,
O bread of life,
I will be healed and come.


The Innocence Mission Facebook profile

The Innocence Mission Myspace

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