Benefits of Catholic Women Religious Shadowing

Paul Keggington

January 03, 2011

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Novices and Postulants are shadowing experienced Catholic women religious in smaller community settings away from the Motherhouse in Wisconsin, Michigan and Mississippi convent locations January 1-8, 2011. 

Novice Sister Pamela Catherine

Franciscan Novice, Sister Pamela Catherine goes by car to the Milwaukee Amtrak Station with final destination St. Francis of Assisi Convent, Greenwood, MS.

‘Franciscan Sisters shadowing’ is different than job shadowing. Involving the whole of life, new members will receive first-hand information about the personal skills needed to live in close Sisterly community and the blessings found in serving in a  multitude of  ministries among various people. Often, new friendships are developed based on quality time spent together.

These formative activity periods help her to experience the spirit and life of the Congregation, progressively to prepare and devote herself to its apostolic works, and to integrate her life of contemplation and action (FSCC Constitutions, VI, Norm 49b)

Just where are the Novices and Postulants being sent? Here’s a listing of this year’s week long mission assignments:

  • Sister Pamela Catherine, St. Francis of Assisi Convent, Greenwood, MS
  • Sister Monica, St. Christopher Convent, Marquette, MI
  • Rose, St. Peter the Fisherman Convent, Two Rivers, WI
  • Leslie, St. Agnes Convent, Green Bay, WI
  • Holly, St. Paul Convent, Kaukauna, WI
  • Lindsey, Roncalli Convent, Manitowoc, WI

Any comment? Watch for more photos and reflections from Novices, Postulants and Sisters. Find Sister Pamela Catherine, Sister Monica, Leslie and Holly on the slideshow. Click slideshow for larger images.


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