Recently, Franciscan Sister Anne Marie Lom explored, taught and interacted with the Confirmandi of St. Raphael Parish, Oshkosh, using the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Read about her experience.
On January 5, 2011 I explored, taught and interacted with the Confirmandi of St. Raphael Parish, Oshkosh using the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. The classes are held at Fr. Carr’s Place To Be, the nearby homeless shelter. This seems a fitting place to learn of the Works of Mercy.
Teaching experience told me to begin with a background to these Catholic actions. Each student was given a card stating and explaining seven Themes from Catholic Social Teaching published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. They are:
- Life and dignity of the human person
- Call to family, community and participation
- Rights and responsibilities
- Option for the poor and vulnerable
- The dignity of work and the rights of workers
- Solidarity
- Care for God’s creation
After reading, discussing and asking questions on this material, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, which spring from Catholic Social Teaching, were learned and discussed through interviewing each other.
The “ticket” to leave the session was a completed cross-word puzzle identifying these Works of Mercy.
What corporal and spiritual works of mercy do you do?