Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, Sister Mary Ann Spanjers, interacted with over 80 Xavier High School, Appleton, WI, junior girls for a vocation session during a recent retreat day. It was an opportunity to find out first hand who these young Catholic women admire and why.

Franciscan Sister Mary Ann Spanjers returns to her alumni Xavier High School, Appleton, WI for a junior class retreat day vocation session.
Here is a summary of the responses to this important question from the young women themselves:
Who do you admire? Why?
- Mom: because she is my Mom, good role model, does the right thing, is strong, positive and extremely kind to everyone, always there for me, has overcome so much
- Grandma: helped raise me
- Mom and Dad: trustworthy, strong, happy, show love without hesitation, work hard to support family
- Anyone who is accepting of others and is genuine
- My Dad: has a lot of common sense and is determined, strong in faith and is a true person, has worked his way up despite hardships, gives me advice and is there whenever I need help, positive outlook on life, rock of our family
- My older sister because she is strong, independent and incredibly nice
- When I’m with people I enjoy and I can see the good in my life
- Parents and grandparents
These were the more popular answers. Here are few other candid responses:
- My friend’s sister because she is successful, fun and happy
- A.- who can get along with anyone
- B.- who is a wonderful person, open to new ideas and always accepting
- My brother, he never gives up and is determined to reach his goals
- My aunts because they are good people
- C.-he is ridiculously patient.
- My religion teacher-he is one of the few people I know that I can always rely on
- D. because she cares
And a few more unique responses…
- People who do their best all the times
- Grandpa: does what he thinks is right
- Jesus, his awesome love never ends
- Neighbor
- Friends: they are strong and beautiful
- People who know who they are and stay that way without being in your face
- My sisters, they are amazing women
- My sister…she’s awesome
- Grandparents because they have been married for a long time and still love each other.
How would you answer this question?