Today, August 21, 2011, while some young pilgrims experience a ‘World Youth Day high’ in Madrid, Spain, and possibly contemplate Gospel radicalism, Regina is already on the journey to become a living ‘exegesis of God’s word’ as a Postulant of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. She like Peter in Sunday’s Gospel (“you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church”), and like St. Francis in Assisi in front of the San Damiano Crucifix (“Go rebuild My house…”) is choosing to go to the very root of the love of Jesus Christ with an undivided heart, ‘being built up in Christ and firm in faith’, putting nothing ahead of this love and becoming completely devoted to him.
As Pope Benedict encouraged her peers last week in Madrid, Spain to follow the Way of the Cross and embrace a life of conversion, Regina is acting in faith with other young women in formation and following Jesus with us.
Here’s a little information abour our latest Postulant:
Age: 24
Parish: St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Hometown: West Bend, WI
Archdiocese: Milwaukee
There are 2 objectives of the Postulancy, which is a period of preparation for the Novitiate, a distinct time of initiation into the life of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity that provides time for reflective study and sharing in community life that is centered in Christ.
- to help the Postulant and the Community verify the authenticity of her call
- to identify the human and Christian foundation within a particular candidate and provide the means of further development
Expect to hear more about Regina and her journey to be a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity in the days ahead.
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Is God calling you to follow Jesus closely and unconditionally in consecration, communion and mission? We invite you.