How appropriate that Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity mark post #501 on Franciscanized World by highlighting our June 16, 2012, Community ‘Slim-posium’: Becoming Your Healthiest Self…New Attitudes, New Habits, a New You! We hope to track more healthy website posting milestones in the years ahead. Franciscan Sister Anne Turba, NP, facilitated Saturday’s Slim-posium with the support of Holy Family Clinic Staff, Sister Caritas Strodthoff, NP and Bonnie Jost, RN, as well as Sister Patricia Linssen and Sister Adrianna Schouten.
Wondering just how to become a new you?
Pondering wellness in its fullest sense, this event actually began with an introductory prayer of opening our eyes, ears, and heart to guest speakers. Knowledge of family genetics and good relationships were quickly acknowledged as foundational to total health and to the actual day’s programming. Sister Anne’s two sisters Mary Turba and Judy Roemer and sister-in-law Judy Turba, collaborated professionally to provide a wholesome, easy-flowing manner of presentations.
Here’s an outline of the Slim-posium’s program:
- Judy Turba, Norberine Center for Spirituality and public relations coordinator for St. Norbert Abbey, motivated us in “Tending the Spirit-A Path for Nourishment and Renewal”. Not only were we reminded of our own mother’s wisdom of drinking enough water, sufficient rest, exercise and balanced diet, but were encouraged to see our care for the body and our perception of the body as spiritual tasks.
- Mary Turba, RN, CDE, inpatient diabetes educator at St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, WI, encouraged “Healthy Eating for a Healthier You”. While providing lots of materials on carb counting and meal planning, healthy hints also included keeping a daily journal of food intake to be more aware and accountable.
- Laura Fencl, employee in Holy Family Convent’s Wellness Center, led an information session on how to safely and effectively perform stretches and use weights.
- Corinne Knab, E-RYT at Holy Family Memorial Wellness Center, coached “Yoga-cise for Optimum Health”.
- Judy Roemer, Licensed Professional Counselor Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, presented “Healthy Habits”, using the power of our minds to improve habits and rid ourselves of self-destructive behaviors.
- A panel of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity shared their own wellness successes: Sister Xavieria Wittmann, Sister Florita Schneider, Sister Marcus Steede, Sister Janet Rose and Sister Annette Kurey.
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Wondering what our #1 posting on Franciscanized World might have been?
A Wordpress search on Franciscanized World shows we highlighted Sufjan Stevens All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands in October 2007 as our featured Song of the Month. The lyrics (If I am alive this time next year…) certainly encourage a reflection on total wellness. How are we going to live so that you are alive this time next year:)? We invite you to discover our answer to this question as we share more posts on Franciscanized World. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about our lives. We are blessed to share with you our relationships with many other wonderful individuals who join us in seeing goodness and celebrating the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare alive in our world.