On a list of ultimate favorite things to do, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Vocation Team could count off many delights. On top of the list is the blessing of visiting with families of those who are ‘called to be’ Postulants. This happens on road trips and on scheduled on-site visits to our Motherhouse, Holy Family Convent, in Manitowoc, WI. The month of July allowed for both experiences.
On one of those wonderful road trips, Sister Mary Ann Spanjers and Sister Julie Ann Sheahan first stopped for Eucharist at Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, WI. Before and after Mass we got caught up on the latest news with Jenna’s pastor, Fr. Andrew P. Ricci. Since we have frequented the Neuman Center at UW Superior a few blocks away the last few years, it was good to renew friendships with him and others who were serving as lector, song leader, altar servers and others in the pews with us.
Next stop was Jenna’s parents home in Barnum, MN. Not only did we meet Lisa and Dale, but we also met grandparents, Aunt Denise and Uncle Bob over brunch and an ice cream cake. Of course, there was time to marvel at the outdoor playground of activities in this beautiful area of the country. We also viewed summer photos documenting the flooding damage in downtown Barnum.
Today we welcomed soon to be Postulant Mary and her mother, Paula, and 2 sisters, Jessica and Rachel, to our Motherhouse. Traveling from Illinois, they were here in time for a tour, dinner, some quiet moments in Eucharistic Adoration and were a great help in assisting Mary in picking out some choices of clothing for her postulant habit.
Family relationships are never replaced. We hope these initial visits with families either on the road or at our Motherhouse communicate the value we as Community place in healthy, lasting relationships with loved ones. St. Anne and St. Joachim, pray for us.