Francis’ Month Images: Austin Artist Reynaldo Alaniz

Paul Keggington

October 03, 2012

Tonight on the vigil of St. Francis’ feast, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity celebrate Transitus. (Watch for photos on our facebook account.) Our remembering service of our holy Father Francis’ life and Gospel spirit moves us on to Thursday, October 4, 2012, when we unite together and praise God for all His goodness in all of creation in Eucharist. We invite you to pray with us in festive prayer.

How fitting in Francis’ month that we also feature Austin, TX, artist Reynaldo Alaniz. Although we tend to highlight Reynaldo’s strongly Franciscan images here, he is not confined to this subject matter nor to one artistic form. See here. 

About Reynaldo Alaniz

Reynaldo writes:  “I am an amateur film maker. I paint and sculpt . I enjoy working with ceramics and concrete and metals. My wife and I had the honor of visiting La Verna… La Verna is quite an inspiring place. We have also visited the Holy Land and Assisi. I am a big admirer of St. Francis.”

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