On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2012, Postulant Rexann received the insignia of St. Francis and was formally welcomed as a Postulant in our Francsican Sisters of Christian Charity community. Here’s a message that Rexann shared with all of us and we would like to share it with you as well.
Greetings my dear Sisters! It has been a long journey back home. As most of you know in the summer of 2003, I moved back to Raleigh, Mississippi after two years of formation here with you. I was 19 years old. I have spent the years between taking care of my parents and working on my education. I completed a year in a practical nursing program in 2006. I am a licensed practical nurse. I have experience in mental health, med-surgical, emergency room, and my true calling ― geriatrics. During this time I developed relationships with my parents as an adult through which I have been truly blessed.
It was during Advent of last year as the Church prayed, “prepare the way of the Lord,” that I asked God what is my way in this world and where do I belong? I heard that whisper as we all do down from somewhere inside. It said, ” Be still and trust me for I will prepare your way.” Before I knew it I reconnected with our Sisters in Greenwood, MS. Not to my surprise, I quickly found that there was but one thing for me to do. I had to ask to come back. As you see I have been welcomed back in the most warm and loving way. I’d like to say from the bottom of my heart thank you, Sisters.
I can’t put into words my gratitude to all of you for simply being the women you are and answering God’s call. I left here in 2003 with much turmoil in my heart, but you did not abandon me. I received multitudes of cards, letters, and phone calls with encouragement of prayers and support. I carried you in my heart as you gave me much strength to face the challenges in this life. So as someone said recently I “have been seasoned and returned to you.” Before I left this August, I overheard my Dad tell a friend “I only hope she can be a help and blessing to them as she has been to her Mother and me.” Let me end dear Sisters asking you to continue to pray for me as I discern and learn to live and serve among you.
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