Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, Sister Anne Marie Lom, spiritual director at St. Raphael Parish, Oshkosh, WI, planned and facilitated a Catholic Busy Woman’s Retreat in January. Read about the experience through her eyes.
The recent January Busy Woman Retreat’s theme was Mary, Living in Wisdom, Age and Grace. The moving and realistic story of Mary as a child in her home and at the temple, as a young woman, virgin/mother, disciple and queen was narrated by Lyn Zahorik, a member of the staff of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Oshkosh.
The experienced began with prayerful Tai Chi movement lead by Leanore Rommelfanger, wife, mother, friend and spiritual director. This body prayer was followed by a prayer service dedicating the retreat to Mary. This time served to inspire the women and offered opportunity for private reflection. Gretchen Herrmann provided soothing flute music during reflection and transition times. The Jesuit Retreat House, Oshkosh, located on beautiful Lake Winnebago, afforded the perfect setting for a night time retreat on January 22 and a morning session on January 23.
A total of 100 women attended the two hour retreat designed specifically for busy women who desire to pray, reflect and experience the support of other like-minded women. The staff of St. Raphael Parish, Oshkosh was generous in offering assistance with the retreat.
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