Saturday March 2, 2013 was an ‘unshakable’, luminous, very good day. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Vocation Team navigated to Milwaukee watching for a Mount Mary College parking lot filling with cars and a sign for Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally 2013: Unshakable (Psalm 62:7). We found it.
Next, after noticing that the sun was beginning to shine brightly, we rolled out our display board and a suitcase of miscellaneous give-away gifts and headed in the direction of a Capuchin brother also carrying a large box of stuff. Gracious Brother M.J. Groark held the door open for us as we looked around and sighted Father Luke Strand on his cell phone (typical…Vocation Directors are always responding to God’s call!) We found an exhibitor table marked with our name on the second floor. It was near a pro-life camp for young people, Hearts United-Historic Eucharistic Rosary Rally for Peace and the Family, other religious communities, etc.
Now, in brief, the rest of the day remains a bright spot on our March calendar because of the following:
- Upbeat organizers-Brian and Sarah and valuable volunteers were happy to see to any and all needs.
- Chris Padgett’s clearly adult Catholic perspective on human behavior was refreshingly entertaining.
- Luminous mysteries of the rosary framed important presentations throughout the day.
- Sonar uplifted many moments with Praise and Worship music.
And of course, we didn’t want to miss mentioning these points:
Brother M.J., another Francis, invited all to build up our Church by reminding everyone that conversion is possible and it is important to be sensitive to other’s feelings, e.g. parents.
- Father Luke as Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Director, our Sister Mary Ann Spanjers and a semanarian used stage presence at lunch and dinner time for increased awareness on God’s call to be a married, priest, brother, sister or single. Let God be your director.
- Bishop Donald Hying (click here to check out his C4 podcasts) presided at the Lenten Sunday Liturgy encouraging us to see that there is an urgency to live the Gospel message: God accepts us as we are, but in turn invites us now to begin to be good and to reach out to others’ needs.
- an ARISE-like Eucharistic Holy Hour was the obvious send-off. Father Luke called us to remember that ‘the Eucharist makes us Unshakable’.