Franciscan Sisters Tell Stories about 25 Year-old Convent

Paul Keggington

July 12, 2013

Stories do reveal history in a most personal way. July 11, 2013 was one of those Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity story-telling days. Our Sisters at St. Francis Convent celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the building of their home located through the woods and on a hill from our Motherhouse in Manitowoc, WI. Especially dear to this commemoration was the presence of some of our Sisters who were the first residents, those who were responsible during the construction phase and those who assisted in community-building among the Sisters on this holy ground.

The program of the day included:

  • St.-Francis-Convent-25-Years-OldAt a specially planned 10 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving Father Placid Stroik, OFM offered words affirming a rightful celebration of joy and gratitude.
  • Sister Judanne Stratman, current Local Director, welcomed all the guests.
  • Sister Caritas Marie Le Claire proclaimed the meal prayer that Sister Henrietta Means planned for the occasion.

All current residents and guests enjoyed a festive chicken dinner in the convent cafeteria trimmed with brightly-painted bird-houses that the Sisters had decorated uniquely for this celebration .

  • Sister Elizabeth Ann Miller was the dinner program MC inviting stories of the past.
  • Sister Ritarose Stahl, Community Director at the time of the construction, was first to share.Franciscan-Sister-Ritarose-tells-her-story
  • Sister Peter Stengl, who was our Community’s designated construction manager, was next to reminisce.
  • Sister Marlene Schwaller, told about the first days in the new building.
  • Sister Louise Hembrecht thanked the Sisters past and present for their holiness that continues to build on grace.

After Sister Julianna Weber and Sister Paulita Adrian made further presentations, an afternoon open house continued the celebration. Now we are keepers of still more stories. (Did you hear about the watermelon cookies?!)


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