We Franciscan Sisters will soon be “opening the door” on a special collaboration that looks back to World Youth Day in Rio, and ahead to Pope Francis’ celebration of the Year of Faith’s conclusion. In the meantime, please enjoy revisiting some of the remarkable artists from Rio and Brazil that we featured earlier this year.
Knock… and the door will be opened.
Lua by Marco Esch
Click here to listen.
Light From Everything by Márcio Falchet
Click here to listen.
Mois De Um Milhao (One in One Million) by 7 ESTRELO
Click here to listen.
While waiting in expectant hope for the outpouring of many more blessings on our world, we invite you to listen to our own Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity theme song ‘Peace and All Good’ and reflect on what God calls you to be at the conclusion of this year of faith? one year from now?
Click here to freely download Peace and all good.
“Faith is not a light that scatters all our darkness but a lamp that guides our steps in the night and suffices for our journey…It’s light does not simply brighten the interior of the church, nor does it serve solely to build an eternal city in the hereafter; it helps us build our societies in such a way that they can journey toward a future of hope.” [Lumen Fidei: Encyclical, Pope Francis]
[Image: The Light of the World, March 1851, William Holman Hunt; See this link.]