When you get to know our Congregation, you find out early on that each of our Sisters is a unique individual. This means that our Sisters enjoy enjoy various hobbies and past times. Here’s one example. Franciscan Sister Mary Beth Kornely’s afghans are helpful in raising funds for two parishes in need: St. Francis of Assisi, Greenwood, MS and Sacred Heart, Winona, MS.
Here are two afghans that I made that will be raffling off starting in a week or so.
The first one is a basket weave design and will be for the Building Fund at St. Francis. This one is really warm and comfy.
The second one is a Lacy Blue Afghan for Sacred Heart, Winona for their Building Fund.
The children are the ones I have in their Religious Education program, 4 years old, 6th grade, 2nd grade and 5th grade.