Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy and Sister Annette Kurey document in word and image a recent St. Francis of Assisi Parish Revival.
“With hands lifted up, we praise you!” So sang those who came together for “He Touched Me: A Lenten Revival” at St. Francis parish in Greenwood. Two evenings of inspiration, Gospel storytelling and song were led by ValLimar Jansen and Tony McQueen.
ValLimar came to us via Oregon Catholic Press and their staff from the “Spirit and Song” hymnal. Tony is a graduate of St. Francis School where he began his illustrious musical career. ValLimar inspired all present with graced words and her manner of taking on the very personalities of Gospel characters such as Naomi, Elizabeth, The Woman at the Well, and Martha, the sister of Lazarus. Tony put the perfect sound track behind the evening’s message as he backed up the message with his talent on the keyboard. This duo brought holiness alive as they shared the work of the Spirit, speaking and making music for over 2 hours each night without any notes before either of them.
ValLimar marked her sharing with beautiful references to our Catholic faith as it should be celebrated by those of African descent. This gave great encouragement and joy to our parish community. Hearts and spirits were marked with joy as hands touched in peace. Praise God!
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