Free Franciscan May Music: Ocean Mary by Pete Mayer

Paul Keggington

May 01, 2014

In the month of May with our hearts full of the love and life of mothers, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity offer Ocean Mary by Peter Mayer as a free music download. Delight in the high energy lyrics and sound of this Minnesota singer-songwriter.  St. Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures finds a home in this song which sings vividly of the familial-connectedness and preciousness of all of life.

About Peter Mayer

Peter MayerPeter Mayer writes songs for a small planet—songs about interconnectedness and the human journey; about the beauty and the mystery of the world. Whimsical, humorous, and profound, his music breaks the boundaries of “folk”, and transcends to a realm beyond the everyday love song, to a place of wonder at the very fact of life itself.

Peter began playing the guitar and writing songs when he was in high school. He studied Theology and music in college, and then spent two years in seminary. After deciding that the priesthood wasn’t for him, he took a part-time job as a church music director for 8 years, while performing at clubs and colleges, and writing and recording his music. In 1995, he quit his job and started touring full-time. Since then, Peter has gradually gained a dedicated, word-of-mouth following, playing shows from Minnesota to Texas, New England to California. He has nine CDs to his credit, and has sold over 70 thousand of them independently.


Click here.


Consider another Peter Mayer favorite.


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