It is not too late to mention this. It is still Easter after all.
Noticing a facebook announcement that ARISE’s weekly Cor Jesu would offer an ultimate Easter Sunday experience on the Wednesday of the Octave of Easter, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity decided a road trip was in order. Our destination was St. Robert’s Catholic Church, Shorewood, WI.
After circling the building to find an open door, first to meet us was a devout pray-er by the name of Mark. He was an unofficial greeter, but truly a believable, natural host. We felt instantly welcomed. Eventually, we were joined in the pews with over a hundred other travelers!
The evening proved to be an all-sensory experience. Tall ceilings could hold lots of incense. Stained glass windows created a solemn environment of sacred space. Music began with simple guitar building to the grandeur of pipe organ, trumpet, violin, etc. We not only adored the Lord, but we tasted His goodness in bread, but felt God’s goodness in a congregation desiring to put Him first.
Ever-inspiring Father Luke Strand encouraged the faithful to reach out beyond purely, comfortable Catholic friends to minister to those who do not know God-including people who are our own relatives. The New Evangelization preached by St. John Paul II and ushered in by St. John XXIII was ours to do.
If you are considering a call to be a Franciscan Sister, invite us to meet you at St. Robert’s on a Wednesday night? or a nearby coffeehouse? Click here to contact us.