On the August 2, 2014 Feast of the Portiuncula (the little church where St. Francis heard his vocation call to ‘rebuild My Church’), Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie reflected on Sister Pamela Catherine’s Perpetual Profession of Vows. Read her congratulatory greetings here.
Good morning, Sister Pamela Catherine and all our Sisters on this Franciscan Feast of the Portiuncula! I know that St. Francis rejoices with us today as you commit your life to the service of God through the Church as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity as do all of our Sisters who have gone before us and celebrate from their celestial home.
In the letter you wrote to me requesting to profess Perpetual Vows you quoted Gandhi, “My life is my message.” These 5 words very much summarize a person’s purpose in life. As you reflected on the quote you pondered the self-giving of your heart desire. It was not your message that you wanted to proclaim but the message of God’s love to others and for others. The closer you grew in relationship with Him, the more you wanted Him to be known and loved.
Your title, “Witness of Divine Joy,” is a confirmation of how you want to live out your life as a Consecrated Woman Religious. When Pope Francis met with Seminarians and Novices in July 2013 he said, “This is the beauty of consecration: it is joy, joy, joy! The joy of bringing consolation to all. There is no holiness in sadness. Joy is not a useless ornament. It is a necessity, the foundation of human life. In daily struggles every person tries to attain joy and live in the hope and certainty of knowing we are loved.” In calling you, Sister Pamela Catherine, God says to you, “You are important to me, I love you, I am counting on you!” Joy is born from that. You desire to live out your life message in complete devotion to our Lord continuing to make known the life and love of Christ to every person who is encountered. How do you envision yourself doing this?
I will answer this as I continue to quote your letter, “As Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, our life message is one of God’s love through service. A life built on simplicity, faith in a loving God, joyful acceptance of poverty, love for the Church, and selfless dedication to the service of others. Our lives are grounded in prayer drawing our strength from God and drawing our strength from each other in Community. As a Community, we live the Franciscan message of the Gospel to a world in need.”
It is with joyous hearts, hearts of great gratitude that we, your Sisters, welcome you, Sister Pamela Catherine as a perpetual member of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.
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