Franciscan Sister Sharon Paul shares fall Cambridge OH news from Christ Our Light Parish and St. Benedict School.
School Bells are ringing all over the world and this is true at St. Benedict’s School in Cambridge, Ohio.
Sister Anna Maar visits with the students at LUNCH. “Oh, am I HUNGRY!”
Sister Helen Marie Paul in the Library and the children are delighting in finding a good book.
Students at St. Benedict’s School, Cambridge, Ohio, completed their required Summer Reading of a variety of books. Their reward was SWIMMING at the City Park for three hours. The large pool features a slide, two diving boards and a MUSHROOM that rains down water. The Lord provided a beautiful, sunny day. Praise Him!
Sister Carolee Vanness enjoys inspiring her students with 3D boards to serve each other.
Sunday, September 7, 2014, Bishop Jeffrey Monforton came to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption in Marietta, OH, to celebrate a parish noon Mass to honor and celebrate the Sisters who serve in the Steubenville Diocese. Monsignor J. Michael Campbell, Pastor and Vicar of Religious, concelebrated with the Bishop. A delicious dinner followed in the Lower Level. Bishop Monforton unveiled the plans for the renovation of Holy Name Cathedral in Steubenville, Ohio which begins soon. An inspirational day was had by all.