Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity collaborate with Houston’s Radio Walsingham internet radio station to offer a Triduum stream of music for your prayerful listening. Radio Walsingham internet radio station broadcasts Catholic teaching and glorious music according to the liturgical calendar. The music comes from the Rites and Churches of the Catholic Church together with the Catholic best from the Anglican tradition, the Holy Orthodox Church, and others. Radio Walsingham has been broadcasting via the internet since October 2006!
In times past and in some places today Holy Thursday is called Maundy Thursday. By whatever name one of the most beloved moments of the Liturgy is the singing of the chant ‘Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est’ — ‘Where charity and love are, God is there’. We have three settings of this text for you to pray with and enjoy. Each carries its own flavor and insight into the text and the spirit of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
The first setting is a recent composition by the American composer Morten Lauridsen. It begins with the Gregorian chant melody familiar to many of us and then branches into Laurdsen’s luminous style of choral writing. Our recording is of the British choir ‘Polyphony’ directed by Stephen Layton.
For more settings of ‘Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est” on Holy Thursday, listen to the Radio Walsingham.
Good Friday
One of the most moving portions of the observance of the Passion of Christ on Good Friday is the singing of ‘Improperia’ … that is, ‘The Reproaches’ which begin “O my people, what have I done to you”. The very ancient melodies of the chant include the singing in both Greek and Latin of the Trisagion “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us.”
The recording is sung by the ensemble ‘Consortium Vocale’ from Oslo, Norway.
For more sacred music on Good Friday, listen to the Radio Walsingham.
Holy Saturday
Our setting is by a contemporary American composer named Blake R. Henson. Born in Texas, the composer lives in De Pere, Wisconsin and serves as Assistant Professor of Music at St. Norbert College. I find his setting to be sheer genius as it finds a balance between the depths of grief, the wailing of the afflicted, and the clear presentation of the text.
Our recording is from the Choirs of a thriving Basilian parish, St. Anne Catholic Community in Houston, Texas. James Ross is the Director of Liturgy and Music, and Matthew McCue is the Assistant Director of Music
For more sacred music on Holy Saturday, listen to the Radio Walsingham.