Congratulations to our Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Jubilarians celebrating 60 years of vowed commitment!Sister Alexandra Bettinardi, Sister Barbara Belinski, Sister Colleen Sweeting, Sister Marcelyn Gervais, Sister Mary Carol Kopecky, Sister Mary Edith Schimpf, Sister Mary Wilma Trottier, Sister Patrice Walsh, Sister Patrici Gallitz, Sister Stephen Marie Luebbert and Sister Winifred Crevier, “thank you for the blessing each of you are to the Community and to the Church.”
At a special Sunday morning breakfast meal, Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie continued her comments by explaining the Sisters’ group title that they selected as Novices.
“You are “Petals of the Mystical Rose.” The definition of a petal according to Webster is “outspread, any of the leaf like parts of a blossom.” Mystical means “spiritually significant or symbolic.” As an individual you represent a petal. You heard God’s call to follow Him and responded to the graces that nurtured your vocation to spread the Gospel message. Together you form the Mystical Rose. Each of you contribute to the beauty of the rose by having lived a life of faith in Community these 60 years, sharing your gifts and talents for the good of others, leading them to faith in God and knowing God’s healing graces.
The 11 of you celebrating today are joined in a spiritual, mystical way with five members of your group who have completed their earthly journey having contributed to the beauty of the Mystical Rose. Sister Mary Elizabeth Noll (1961), Sister Mary Alice Vande Yacht (1985), Sister Jovita Martinez (2000), Sister Mary Henry Brooks (2009) and Sister Henrietta Means (2013) fulfilled all that God called them to be and do. We ask them to intercede for us as we live out our lives in faithfulness. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.”