Franciscan Sisters Celebrate Grand Nephew’s First Mass

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

July 05, 2015

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Francis Joseph Hildebrand was not there for her grand nephew’s Father Sean Dooley’s ordination in Columbus, OH early this summer. She was not there for his first Mass at St. Nicholas Parish in Zanesville, OH. However, ‘Aunt Martha’, as the family affectionately calls her, had her own ‘first Mass’ at Holy Family Convent, Manitowoc, WI. How awesome is that!

Father Sean Dooley and Franciscan Sister Frances Joseph Hildebrand

Sister Francis Joseph was joined with other Community members who supported Father Sean through his years of formation in our Motherhouse St. Mary Chapel.  It is a given that Father Sean will continue to receive ‘Sisterly’ prayers as he begins pastoral ministry in the Diocese of Columbus in July in the  Chillicothe, OH area. The Lord bless you, Father Sean!

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