Perceptively exploring the concerns and challenges of ’20 somethings’ in this month of September, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are grateful to feature Katie Trotta’s song 20 Something. Enjoy a free download. Help us begin a thoughtful discussion at the beginning of a new semester. Katie’s own words invite further dialogue.
Living in a world where we get a front seat view into other people’s lives through things like social media can make the pressure to figure out who you are and what you are doing with your life feel so much heavier than it should. Your twenties are supposed to be a time to test the waters, dive deep into exploring what makes you tick as a person, and come out the other end going “Wow, I know who I am and what I want!”. Or, at least that’s what I thought your twenties were supposed to be.
I wrote ‘Twenty Something’ when I was 27. If someone had told me when I was a teenager that at 27 years old, I would still be single, struggling with my career, and still wondering how everything was going to work out… I would have laughed in your face. At 27 you are supposed to have it down! You are supposed to be living the life you dreamt about! You are supposed to have a handle on things! I mean, just look at the 27 years old on Facebook! They know what they’re doing! Enter the question: Is it just me? Am I the only one who feels this lost?
Through writing ‘Twenty Something’ and playing it at shows, I have learned one of the best and most important lessons of my life. Everyone feels lost at times. No one feels like they have a completely firm grip on their life. We are all taking it day by day. And that is okay.
Your twenties are such a beautiful, chaotic, wonderful time in your life. If you don’t have it all figure out by the end of it… don’t worry. You are not alone. – Katie Trotta
About Katie Trotta
Johnny got married and Jenny’s got a baby on the way
and I just heard that Joe got a new job
Julie won the lottery and Jason’s out on vaca in some new exotic hot spot
but where am I
I’m lost in the middle of twenty something
spinning my wheels, barely moving, watching this world pass me by
I’ve been trying to get a grip on this life I’m leading
just trying to make it make sense
can someone throw me a line out in the middle of twenty something
when I was little and big dreams filled up my heart
when I still had stars in my eyes
I mapped out every step in my foolproof plan of where I’d be by this time
but somewhere along the way all the stars began to fade
I’m lost in the middle of twenty something
spinning my wheels, barely moving, watching this world pass me by
I’ve been trying to get a grip on this life I’m leading
just trying to make it make sense
can someone throw me a line out in the middle of twenty something
something tells me I’m not alone out here
am I alone out here
are you out here
lost in the middle of twenty something
spinning my wheels, barely moving, watching this world pass me by
I’ve been trying to get a grip on this life I’m leading
just trying to make it make sense
can someone throw me a line out in the middle of twenty something