Franciscan Sisters at St. Agnes Convent, Green Bay, WI share an awesome community building event that was part of their first days of sharing life with each other.
Each year it has been the St. Agnes community’s custom to take some kind of trip during Community Days (days set aside in each local community of our Franciscan Sisters in later summer or early September for getting to know each other and plan for the year together.) . Because our current community is of such varied ministries in varied places, it was decided that a trip to the base of each ministry on August 29, 2015, would be beneficial to each of us.
We began from our back door at St. Agnes Convent and walked next door to St. Agnes Parish Offices where Sister Dorothy, volunteer pastoral minister, sometimes works or “gets her assignments”. Moving past our convent, we walked to Holy Family School where Sister Ann Carla tutors and helps in the office.
Getting into cars for the next leg, we went to newly renovated St. Jude Church, part of the Quad Parishes where Sister Anne Marie is pastoral minister. However, we did need to see where Sister Anne Marie’s office was, so we went to the Quad Parish Offices at Annunciation
Moving across town we visited St. Thomas More School, Sister Rosalyn’s new place of ministry. The school building is very complex so we all had an education. Finally, we went to the Green Bay Diocesan Offices and enjoyed seeing not only Sister Jackie’s and Sister Kay’s offices, but the whole of Bona Hall, the seat of much leadership activity, and other building on the diocesan complex.
What happened at each place? The sister whose territory it was, explained a little about the building, the co-workers, the ministry, and then led a blessing prayer. Finally, the office or area received a good sprinkling with holy water.
Now each of us can picture where another sister is sitting when she makes a phone call, or said she had a staff meeting, or just shares something about her ministry.
It was a very worthwhile community day activity.