Beloved second grade teacher, as well as a former Citizen’s Advisory Committee member acting as a liaison between Manitowoc City government and the people, Sister Mary Grace Micke served whole-heartedly. Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie recalls moments of Sister Mary Grace’s life.
Sister Mary Grace had a great love for school and became a teacher. For 28 years she served in elementary schools as teacher and as Principal. She taught first and second grades then sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Throughout these years one of her greatest joys was to prepare students to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation/First Confession and First Holy Communion. This preparation had also impacted the lives of her students who even to this day remember her on their First Communion Day. In letters and cards to her at the time of her 75th Jubilee celebration this past May they thanked Sister Mary Grace for the commitment of her life but also for the way she prepared them for their First Holy Communion and the long lasting effect it has had on their life.
Sister Mary Grace received a Bachelor of Science Degree in History and English from Marquette University in 1956. She continued her studies at Marquette attaining in 1962 a Master of Arts Degree in History. Her love for history led her to teach at Silver Lake College for 19 years. During this time she was a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee which acted as a liaison between Manitowoc City government and the people. She was called upon to speak at many public forums. One of many memorable experiences as a College Professor was teaching about the Chinese Culture then going on a trip to China, seeing the many sites of which she taught, in particular the Great Wall having been built in 300 B.C. Read entire account: Franciscan Sister Mary Grace Micke