Franciscan Sister Ritarose Stahl received the Silver Lake College of the Holy Family Our Lady of Guadalupe Award at Winter Commencement Ceremonies. The honor is conferred on individuals who have made significant contributions in advancing the College’s mission for a significant period of time and exemplify the ideals of the College.
Sister Ritarose’s 25 years of service in the College’s Zigmunt Library, her upgrading of the Rare Book Room, preparation of a data base of Kodaly theses in full text to students and the public are just some of her accomplishments. All testify to her commitment of creating and sustaining an environment of intellectual and social transformation for others who come in contact with this higher institution of learning.
This award bears the name Guadalupe is designated as the special patroness of Silver Lake College and was named as such in 1957. Sister Martina Van Ryzin was the first award recipient.