Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Verone Leeman, Spiritual Companion to the Secular Franciscans in the St. Therese Parish, Kekaha, Hi area, shares about a recent fraternity retreat.
It is good to serve the Secular Franciscans on the Island of Kauai. I was able to take part in a recent retreat by Sister Pat Schofield. The theme was on the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem.
Some of my notes: Today our palm branches are signs of martyrdom and victory over death. We are to proclaim liberation through peace, more than non-violent resistance, but real humility. We wave our palms high and remember what they call us to do as servants to the people.
The Prince of Peace rides a donkey. Jesus lifts up the lowly, including the donkey. It becomes the sacred throne not only for a King, but for the Son of God. It was the donkey that carried Jesus and Mary before He was born on the ride into Bethlehem. Now the donkey carries Him into Jerusalem just before His death. I am called to be lowly as a Franciscan, so that Christ can use me to fill His will. I carry the Lord each day, every day by all that I think, say and do.