Communications and Social Media Focus Group for Franciscan Sisters

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

May 22, 2016

Madison WI Area Single Catholic Women ages 20 to 30: You Are Invited to participate in a Focus Group for the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity – A Wisconsin based order serving in eleven U.S. Dioceses in Catholic Health Care, Education and special ministries. The Focus Group takes approximately one hour, designed to derive some anecdotal but representative insights into the perceptions of young adult Catholic women and their use of conventional and social media.Focus Group for Franciscan Sisters at St. Patrick parish Madison WI
St. Patrick Parish 404 E Main St, Madison, WI on Sunday June 5 after the First Sunday Brunch (about 12:30) Each participant paid $25.00 cash.  To register please contact Mark Laudino, Cathedral Parish, by May 26


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