Franciscan Sisters Stream Women of Strength, Women of God Songs

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

June 19, 2016

Throughout the whole summer, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity will stream songs on the theme Women of Strength, Women of God. Ashley Cleveland, The Innocence Mission and Nathalie Nunes  share a variety of music selections encouraging depth of heart, mind and soul.

In the Franciscan tradition, St. Clare of Assisi is a woman of God Mary and Elizabeth 15that modeled great strength. Words in her own letters to other women inspire us to grow in virtue today.

“The Lord himself put us as models to be examples and mirrors not only before others, but also before our sisters-those called by the Lord to our vocation-with the purpose that they in turn may be mirrors and examples for those who live in the world.”

Of course, Mary and Elizabeth encourage us to visit with open arms!

Tess Narcisco

Tess Narcisco collaborates with Franciscan Sisters of Christian CharityI wrote this song at a time when I felt so overwhelmed with all the changes going on in my life: experiencing a parent passing away, graduating college, and getting through my first year as a registered nurse, not to mention the stress all this change was putting on my relationships with people I loved. Growing up I learned to always ask God for guidance whenever I felt lost.  In writing this song, I noticed a feeling of relief, as if God was speaking to me through my own lyric.  ‘Hey there child don’t you feel alone….Don’t be afraid of the ride, it’s only just begun…You’re on a journey and it’s all a part of the fun!’ It’s funny because looking back on this lyric makes me smile.  Life couldn’t be more wonderful right now, and all I did was trust in God’s plan for my life on this earth.  What an amazingly difficult, exciting, and rewarding journey it has been!

Be Blessed,


Purchase music: click here.

Ashley Cleveland

Website: Cleveland

The Innocence Mission

Website: http://theinnocencemission.comThe Innocence Mission

Nathalia Nunes

I include Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) in my live performances as a way of including the love of God to the deaf. I wish to show that there are no difficulties or barriers when we accept the unconditional love of God.

Nathália Nunes


Translation of lyrics:

I do not need to turn stones into bread to prove

What you’re in the desert

Taking care of me

From a high place will not fall

Just to demonstrate your power

I do not need to see phenomena to believe in you

Not change our fellowship

For the pleasure of winning

Palaces, riches

Like a desert

This will pass

So I’m resisting

And when my strength is running out

Your angel will feed me

Worship you this is keeping me stand up

I will not lose the war

Worship you among the temptations

It is more than strategy

I can not see tomorrow

But today I know

This desert will come to end

You’re taking care of me.

Nathália Nunes
Cantora de Música Cristã ContemporâneaNathalia NunesReflection

What are characteristics of a strong woman?


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