Franciscan Sisters’ Advent Wreath: Reminder of God’s Love

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

November 27, 2016

As our Seraphic Father Francis had, so Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity have “special devotion to the mysteries of the Incarnation, the Eucharist, and the Cross, in which the tremendous love of God is visibly shown to us.” These are words from our FSCC Constitutions. Our  Advent wreath depicts this reality.

Find in this Motherhouse prayer symbol a manger filled with straw.

franciscan-sisters-advent-wreath-2It is positioned to capture a view of the tabernacle and the large crucifix in our sanctuary.  The wreath is crafted together with dried flowers from our own gardens, the work of our hands.franciscan-sisters-advent-wreath

St. Francis is to have asked a friend from Greccio, Italy, to help him set up a manger scene for Christmas. Legend has it that as the people of the town arrived at the scene carrying torches and candles, St. Francis sang and spoke about the birth of Jesus. Someone in the crowd saw a vision of Jesus in the manger being cradled in St. Francis’ arms. This event is captured in a Motherhouse hallway painting by our Sister Victoria. The left window of the stable shows St. Francis and his friars at Christmas. st-francis-and-the-mangerHow fitting for us to remember St. Francis’ simple, yet profound ways of thinking of Jesus during this season of waiting in grateful hope for the coming of our Savior. May you, too,  find ways to draw closer to Jesus that grow joy and peace within your heart.



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