St. Francis of Assisi chose every day to live Gospel values. This January 2017 Franciscan Sisters stream Laura Marie’s Be Love and Dan Duet’s Called to Serve inspiring us to catch the poor man’s spirit of trying to be as much like Christ as he could. As we seek our own personal conversations and strive for unity and reconciliation in this new year, may we be instruments of God’s peace, love and joy. Pope Francis emphatically reaffirms this vision in his 50th World Day of Peace Message: “Violence profanes the name of God. Let us never tire of repeating: The name of God cannot be used to justify violence. Peace alone is holy. Peace alone is holy, not war.”
Be Love by Laura Marie
Since I was a young girl, the prayer of St. Francis has always deeply moved me. There is such beautiful humility in it. And, it so perfectly acknowledges it’s up to us, that we are the hands and feet. Our purpose is to be of service and it is what we do for each other that matters. Whenever I am lost or in doubt, the prayer reminds me, instructs me as to how I should respond and who I should be in this world. To ‘be love’ is to hold the presence of love in this world and I believe the world desperately needs that from all of us.
-Laura Marie
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Songs can be downloaded/purchased on iTunes, Bandcamp and
Called to Serve by Dan Duet 
In 1995-ish I had been commissioned to write a song for a beloved Monsignor here in the Archdiocese of San Antonio who was celebrating his 50th Jubilee and retiring. Shortly after I performed this song (“In Case You Didn’t Know”) during his Jubilee Mass, another priest approached me and, somewhat joking and somewhat serious, reminded me that the next year would be his 40th Jubilee and asked if I would write a song for him. This priest is from Ireland and so I wrote “Called to Serve” from the point of view of someone who is willing to follow God’s Will no matter where it would lead them. For this priest that journey led him to another country in a far-away land called America. I sang this song at both his 40th Jubilee Mass and at his retirement ceremony.
-Dan Duet
Dan Dúet – Two-Twelve Ministries and
Please note: Anyone who writes to me can receive the song for free as I’d send them a copy via e-mail.