Franciscan Sisters recently welcomed Grades 3-7 from Divine Savior Catholic School, Kiel, WI. Our convent visit was one of the blended learning opportunities that the school’s curriculum encourages.
Faculty member Linda Tibo reached out with this visit request. Sister Veronica Schad, who is familiar to the students because of monthly visits to area schools, was happy to organize the pilgrimage. Desiring that the young people meet other Sisters, Sister Caritas Strodthoff, Sister Karen Suhr, and Sister Elaine Turba assisted with the tour groups around the Motherhouse. Sister Maureen Bomaster and Sister Georgellen Vissers made the effort to catch up with Linda after once being faculty members together. The visit included Mass with the Sisters in St. Mary Chapel and lunch in the gym.
The students sent a thank you card to Sister Veronica on arriving back in Kiel. Someone certainly took the time to create an appropriate card. We were touched by the thoughtfulness!