This weekend some of our Sisters were present when Bishop David Ricken ordained Father Adam Bradley, Father Mark Mleziva, Father Matthew Rappl, Father Jon Thorsen and Father Zachary Weber to the priesthood at St. Mary Church, De Pere, WI. The ordination class is the largest in the diocese since 1991. Click here for more of Sam Lucero’s inspiring photos.
St. Francis of Assisi’ Exhortations to the Clergy, written after the Poverello returned from the Middle East, are fitting to share today. St. Francis’ words are ageless.
In every sermon you give, remind people about penance and that no one can be saved unless he receives the most holy Body and Blood of the Lord. When It is sacrificed on the altar by a priest and carried anywhere, let all peoples praise, glorify and honor on bended knee the Lord God living and true. May you announce and preach His praise to all nations in such a way that praise and thanks may always be given to the all-powerful God by all people throughout the world at every hour and whenever bells are rung.
After the celebration in De Pere on Saturday the bells rang loud and long! St. Francis would like that!