Franciscan Sisters’ Community Gathering One of Hope

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

July 21, 2017

One day in the summer, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity gather together at our Motherhouse in Manitowoc for an all Community meeting. It’s a wonderful time to rejoice in our mutual call to share life in Christ.

Our life of unity begins and culminates in the celebration of the Eucharist. Mass is a priority in the schedule for those who follow in the footprints of Jesus Christ. We also treasure the fraternal charity, so dear to the heart of St. Francis. Conversation with our Sisters throughout the day is all about strengthening our common bond. Presentations keep us all informed on all that is going on in the moment and in the next year.

Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie’s address is always one of encouragement to live the Gospel with passionate zeal. She announced the names of a group of Sisters who will lead efforts for our 150th anniversary in 2019. Of course, there are many subcommittees, so everyone is invited to be involved given their own expertise and interests. 

Our hope is fostered by our service, not only at our Motherhouse and other missions in WI, but also going forth in joy to ministry in AZ, MI, MO, MS and OH. Our Sisters sent for the first time to St. Louis, MO and Chassell, MI will receive special supportive prayers. Watch for more information on our newest missions in the future. Our Sisters are also starting anew at St. Francis School, Yuma, AZ.


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