Franciscan Sister Veronica Schad was an active participant at summer Vacation Bible School at St. Gregory, St. Nazianz, WI. The theme was Fun Factory: Created by God-Built for a Purpose. Individual days followed with these thoughts: 1-God made you 2-God is for you 3-God is always with you 4-God will always love you 5- God made you for a reason.
Each day consisted of a Bible story, imagination station (building things connected to the theme of the day), a snack factory and games.
Friday, instead of the games, pet animals were blessed. One truly wonderful happening was that several of the students were at the Sunday 10:00 Mass following the camp week. The last song of the liturgy was one of the songs sung during the week and voices were strong.
Sister Veronica shared: “The days I helped out it was great seeing the enthusiasm of the students. I enjoyed seeing how involved they were in everything. They also do a mission project for those in need. This year they collected items/donations for Incourage, an organization supporting victims of domestic abuse and assault. that helps those who are abused. Two staff members from Incourage came and spoke with the students with what the program is about.”