Franciscan Sisters Return to St. Francis School Yuma, AZ

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

October 03, 2017

Franciscan Sister Hannah Johnecheck updates us on the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity’s presence at St. Francis School Yuma, AZ. Sister Mary Beth Kornely shares photos.

How exciting! For the first time in about 15 years the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are serving at Saint Francis of Assisi School, Yuma, Arizona.

The Sisters that are serving at Saint Francis are Sister Mary Beth Kornely and Sister Hannah Johnecheck. Sister Mary Beth is a part-time office assistant and Sr. Hannah Johnecheck is the Second Grade teacher. The people of Saint Francis have been extremely welcoming and excited to have Sisters back. As the expression goes, the people of Yuma are truly as warm as the weather.

The faculty and staff of Saint Francis  are a group of extremely talented people who understand the value of teamwork. Sister Hannah  was in awe the first day she entered her classroom to start setting it up for the first year when two teachers came in and offered to help her cover her bulletin boards. In fifteen minutes Sister Hannah and these two teachers had all six bulletin boards covered. This was her introduction to the value of teamwork present at Saint Francis.

A school office is a place buzzing with activity; there are many different projects and people that fill each day! Sister Mary Beth is able to help with the overflow of paperwork so that the regular secretary can keep up with all the reports, scraped knees, phone messages and unending requests.

Needless to say, Sisters Mary Beth and Hannah are delighted to be working with these beautiful people.

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