Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Patricia Sevcik shares on our Community’s newest convent. We were invited to come to St. Louis by Archbishop Robert Carlson. Over a year ago the Archdiocese purchased a building located across the street from the last Planned Parenthood Clinic in the state. Click here to read more from the St. Louis Review.
On August 28, 2017, Sister Sue Ann Hall and Sister Pat Sevcik drove to St. Louis, Missouri arriving at 2:00 p.m. Our mission is to be present to people who would like to come to pray here for an end to abortion and to offer them hospitality. The day we arrived, we were met by a group of volunteers who had been working hard to prepare this house for our arrival. We learned that many people, including some seminarians helped.
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson blessed our convent and offered Mass in our chapel on September 29. The Archbishop formally named the three story house; Our Lady of Guadalupe Convent. We are looking forward to receiving a statue and a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe from the Motherhouse in mid-October.
Our contact here is Sister Marysia Weber, a Religious Sister of Mercy. She is the Director of the Office of Consecrated Life for the Archdiocese and has worked tirelessly to gather volunteers, purchase needed furniture and supplies, and coordinate much activity. We are very grateful to her, her Community of Sisters, and to many people who have befriended and welcomed us.
We invite everyone to join us in prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe for respect for all life from conception to natural death.
Article Comments:
Robert G. Ellis 04/10/2020 @ 10:29 am
Good morning Sisters. My name is Robert Ellis and I belong to the Respect Life Committee at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church on Telegraph Road in South County. I received an e-mail from Dean Stutte, of the Catholic Supply company, informing me that you may be looking to build a grotto and memorial in honor of the Unborn Child. I had the privilege of researching our project at St. Francis and working with the various companies to put in place our Memorial and Grotto honoring our Blessed Mother and the unborn child. I sent Dean some information on the company who built our Grotto for us and told him to let me know if I can be of any assistance in helping you accomplish this project. If you are ever in our area I would be happy to show you our Memorial to Our Lady. Joe Duever is the owner of the company who built our Grotto and he has a special devotion to “Our Lady of Guadalupe” and I know would be very happy to work with you on your project. My name and e-mail is below. Let me know if I can help you in any way. God bless you Sisters for all you do!