Convent Gifted with Art from Prisoners

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

January 14, 2018

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity at Convent of Our Lady of Guadalupe Life House were gifted with three art pieces by a talented artist who is serving prison time. These pieces hang in various rooms in our St. Louis, MO home.

The prisoner was asked to teach other prisoners art. Thus, Sister Patricia Sevcik and Sister Sue Ann Hall received a number of these little pieces—post cards and origami boxes with inspirational quotes, as well as paper-formed stars. Sister Pat Sevcik and Sister Sue Ann Hall gave the little boxes to people at a diocesan function and asked them to prayer for prisoners, the forgotten.

The giving tree stands in their foyer and people who stop to visit and pray in the chapel are invited to take a star and pray for the forgotten in prison.


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