Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity serving at Christ our Light Parish responded to a need for a in-service presentation at St. Sylvester’s School, Woodsfield, Ohio. Some of our Sisters call Woodsfield home. Our Sisters once served here and we were happy to serve again.
Woodsfield, Ohio was revisited by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity on August 15th., 2018. Sisters Jan Villemure, Carol Juckem, Helen Marie Paul and June Smith presented an in-service for the St. Sylvester Catholic School teachers. The topic was the Corporal Works of Mercy.
This presentation was the initial step for the school in their 6 year accreditation process for the Steubenville Diocese. The faculty and staff will use the background information, scripture, prayers, songs, U-tube clips, activities, electronic resources & ideas presented by the Sisters to set a plan for the next 6 years. The Cambridge Sisters were approached by Robyn Guiler, the Principal at the school, to do the in-service. Jane Rush, the former Principal at Cambridge, St. Benedict’s, said she thought the Sisters would be happy to help St. Sylvester.
The in-service day for the 14 teachers and staff was appreciated by both the St. Sylvester group and the Sisters. Sharing the passion for Catholic Education, commitment to student growth in the Faith and love for the teaching of the Church was very evident in the discussions. What a great way to spend the feast of the Assumption.