Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity anticipated the beginning of our General Chapter with a prayer day on June 16, 2019 by all the Sisters.
Today our General Chapter convenes. The primary purpose of the General Chapter is:
- to protect the intention of the foundresses concerning the nature, purpose, spirit and character of the Congregation ratified by the Holy See, as well as the wholesome traditions of the Congregation, all of which constitute its patrimony
- to promote suitable renewal in accord with this patrimony
- to elect the Community Director and her Council
- to treat major business matters
- to publish norms which all are bound to obey
Government is our religious congregation provides a framework for promoting respect for our personal rights and duties and those of our Congregation. It leads us to the kingdom of God. Open to the Spirit of God, it helps us coordinate our God-given gifts and graces. It helps strengthen our bond of unity and helps us realize our mission in the Church.
We ask your prayers at this time in our history. Our Chapter of Elections is slated for June 24. Grateful for the past 150 years, we look forward to a future of hope.