West Point, Nebraska Celebrates Franciscan Sisters’ Founding Anniversary

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December 13, 2019

Franciscan Sister Patricia Linssen shares on a special Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity 150th Anniversary celebration in West Point, Nebraska.

On the weekend of our 150th Anniversary, Nov. 9-10, Sisters Joy, Elizabeth Ann, Kay Warning, and Patricia Linssen celebrated with the people of West Point and the surrounding area.


In the weeks leading up to this celebration, some information about our Community and its 134-year history in West Point and some photos of Sisters who had served here over these years were published in the West Point News.

The Sisters used the Liturgy of the Hours from our summer celebration. The 6:00 PM Mass at St. Mary’s Church on Nov. 9 was offered for all the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Sister Elizabeth Ann lectored at this Mass. It was followed by a reception in the school cafeteria, with cookies, water and punch for the guests.

On Sunday, Nov. 10, the Sisters hosted an open reception in the cafeteria for the public from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p,m. Those who came enjoyed freshly baked sweet rolls and breads with coffee, juice, or water. The Sisters mingled with the people so they could thank them for their support and generosity over the years.

There were displays of photos for each organization – Guardian Angels Central Catholic, St. Joseph’s Elder Services, and Franciscan Care Services – from the founding to the present. Two videos were also shown continuously, one on the July Celebration in Manitowoc and the other showing all the Sisters of the Community. Those attending enjoyed reminiscing about the past and seeing the pictures of the Sisters.
Many expressions of gratitude were extended to us as well for the generous service and positive influence of our Sisters on the people here. One person wrote on a card, “”Just wanted to thank you all for what you do and what you have done for St. Mary’s and the surrounding community for all these years. Congrats on your 150 years! Imagine where we would all be without the Sisters here – I don’t think I can. You’ve taught us and have taken care of us from beginning till the end.” Another wrote, “You’ve given us so much and touched lives in so many ways. You are so tightly woven into the story of West Point and the success and positive results that have been achieved through the years is because ‘you’ brought out the ‘Franciscan’ in all of us.”

Article Comments:

Diane Anderson ( Rentmeester) 07/16/2021 @ 4:52 pm

Sister Patricia Linssen, I am praying that you are originally from Green Bay and a 8th grade graduate of St Philip Catholic School. I don’t know if you will remember me but I was a very good friend of yours. We always said to each other….” which one of us will return to St. Philip’s as a nun.” Well, my life was not as a nun but a wife and mother to two adopted sons. Please let me know if you are my friend Pat Linssen of Green Bay. Thought of you many times as the years went by.


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