In her latest BeLive video Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Cecilia Joy Kugel interviews Diocese of Green Bay Seminarian Deacon Kevin Ripley on the topic of vocation. Deacon Kevin’s great uncle happens to be Norbertine Father Samuel Jadin. Father Sam was our Motherhouse Chaplain for many years and continues to be a dear friend.
Find helpful advice for anyone discerning a call from God. Deacon Kevin affirms his college experience at St. Paul University Newman Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Click here to listen to the video.
If you are discerning your call from God, consider visiting us. We offer a variety of discernment opportunities. Call or text Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632 for a vocation conversation.
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 02/02/2020 @ 3:09 pm
Thank you for this very practical and informative video, Sister Cecilia Joy. I appreciated getting to know Deason Ripley a bit.
Sister Julie Ann 02/02/2020 @ 3:43 pm
We learned Fr. Sam died today on the day Pope Francis asked us to pray for those called to Consecrated Life. May Fr. Sam enjoy the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!