Sisters and Nuns offer a Discernment of Spirits Retreat for Young Adult Catholic Women

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March 06, 2020

Young Professional and Young Adult Catholic Women 20-32 – you are invited. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and Cistercian Nuns offer you a special Discernment of Spirits Day, a mostly silent retreat for you to catch your spiritual breath and draw on the wisdom of Saints Ignatius, Francis and Benedict. Learn to hear how God speaks to you, and how to make wise and holy decisions

Join us at the serenity of Valley of Our Lady Monastery just north of Madison.

Here’s a recap of significant information.

Saturday, March 14 at the Valley of Our Lady Cistercian Monastery, Prairie du Sac, WI.
Begins with 7:45 Mass (optional) or @8:30 with opening session and closes at 4:30. However, the Nuns invite you for 4:45 Evening prayer. The Sisters and Nuns will gladly take time for questions and answers. There is no cost for the retreat, but registration required. Click here to register. Call Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632 regarding other questions about the day.

Article Comments:

Sister Anne Marie Lom 03/08/2020 @ 8:28 pm

I pray for those attending and those facilitating this day. May it be grace-filled and blessed.


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