Laudato Si Week Song: A Prayer for the Earth

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May 17, 2020

To praise God for the gift of creation during Laudato Si week, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity stream A Prayer for the Earth. Text is by Pope Francis, from the encyclical, Laudato Si. Adaptation and music are offered by Hazzan Steve Klaper and Br. Al Mascia, OFM, Song and Spirit Institute for Peace, Berkley, MI.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that the Canticle, from which the Laudato Si Encyclical Letter gets its title, was composed by St. Francis of Assisi at a time when he was quite ill and physically suffering; one year before his death. Nonetheless, he was able to compose one of the most beautiful and touching songs of praise to the Creator! As we all struggle with this global pandemic and endure sufferings of our own, it might be helpful to keep this in mind. May we all, as did St. Francis, find reasons for joy and gladness even in the midst of suffering.Brother Al Mascia, OFM


Blessings on this week of singing the praises of our Loving God!

Article Comments:

Patricia Molitor 05/17/2020 @ 9:55 am

We are ALL connected…human beings, animals, birds, even insects…all living beings within God’s creation. We need to love and respect! As stewards, humans are to take care of His creation.


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