Franciscan Sisters Hold Educational Legacy Workshop

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July 11, 2020

On July 9, 2020 Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity celebrated our educational legacy with a virtual gathering of Sisters throughout the country. After an opening prayer, Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie welcomed the participants.

Keynote Speaker Tim Olson, friend and esteemed local educational leader at Roncalli High School over the years, encouraged all to remember where we have come in the legacy of Catholic Education and where we are going. Some points of reflection: The world of larger families and knowing your neighbors who share the same parish  is no longer  the normal working model in Catholic Schools and parishes. Today’s young people are still hungry for direction, are looking for help in dealing with peer rebellion and often are making many decisions on their own.  Moral guidelines are desired. Some are lonely, lacking real support. Being present in the educational mission of the Church becomes more critical. We are needed to form the next generation with skills to know and defend their faith. Diversity in the broad definition of the term is also important as we look forward. Listening is vital as we pass the torch to new compassionate leaders who are called to be Christ to others.

Other topics of interest shared by the Sisters included:

  • Data-driven Instruction (Sister Mary Karen Oudeans)
  • Classical Schools (Sister Carolee Vanness)
  • On-line Instruction (Sister Mary Carol Kopecky, Sister Marcolette Madden, Sister Mary Teresa Bettag)

The last point of sharing was a discussion question: How would you define the legacy of education for the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity?

Article Comments:

Gabbi Browne 07/11/2020 @ 8:54 am

Was this recorded? I’d love to hear the Sisters’ perspective!


Steve Kuper 07/11/2020 @ 9:41 am

I was raised in mostly Catholic schools. I had SSND in New Orleans (still keep in touch with my teached who is in her 90’s and with whom I have shared dinner not too long ago)..ALso I attended St. Bernadette and Xavier Appleton-two of my favorites and most inspirational teachers were Sr. Roderick (Helen Fagan) who I stayed in touch with until her death and Sr. Maris Stella (Maria of Jesus) whom I still visit yearly. I attended Sliver Lake for a semester but longed for a larger city and ended up at Cardinal Stritch-truly the best years of my life! I recently visited with two of the last remaining sisters at their new Motherhouse (Justine and Coletta) right before they passed away. Catholic schools gave me a great foundation and altho I am not a Catholic today-I am a very involved Christian in both my church and community.


Sister Anne Marie Lom 07/11/2020 @ 10:02 am

As a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, I learned to love education by first, being taught by these Sisters grades 2-college graduation. Then, when I began teaching, I learned to love education by “catching” that love from the Sisters with whom I lived. They made education fun, interesting, and, professional. I watched and I learned. Now, our legacy seems to be in the role of supporting our Sister educators and supporting Catholic education through prayer and mentoring. I am proud to have been an educator in the Franciscan heritage of our Congregation.


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