It’s time for beginning again together. That means Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity set aside days at this time of the year for prayer and planning. The goal is to create a loving atmosphere of faith sharing and service. The actual dates are left to each local convent so that these days are enriching for all. Such matters as our shared spiritual life, ways to care for creation, daily schedule built with input from everyones’ commitments to work and other needs are discussed.
How did this come about?
Letter of Sister Henrielda dated August 5, 1970:
“In an effort to build a better and Spirit filled community, the Perpetual Vow Group (Reception 1963) has drawn up suggestions for a two- or three-day retreat by which each local home may grow closer together in true Gospel living.”
One year later, July 25, 1971, she sends another letter and writes:
“Last year, before the opening of the fall term, many of our mission Sisters spent two or three days in prayer in sharing and in planning their year. This proved so helpful both spiritually and temporally that it was suggested that these Days of Prayer be planned more carefully so that all the sisters could profit from them. Your Regional superiors have already suggested that the exact date for these days be determined before the close of the present term so that the Sisters can plan accordingly. It is hoped that…a deep sense of unity will result as well as a deep recognition of faith and values which we hold in common.”
We have planned and enjoyed these Fall Community Days every year since.