February 2nd, 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of Saint John Paul II declaring the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple as World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life in order to learn more about Consecrated Life, to pray for those individuals who have been called to this life, and for an increase in Vocations to the Consecrated Life.
As part of our prayer Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite you to listen to When the Bridegroom Comes by Judee Sill. She is a musician who was an archetype for many of today’s women songwriters. One verse of this song, “When the Bridegroom Comes”, has a glancing reference to St. Francis. She had a very challenging life, so when she expresses optimism it is hard won and credible. The world needs you. God calls you. We invite you.
When the halt and the lame meet the son
And He sees for the blind, and He speaks for the dumb
Let their poor heart’s complaint
Like the leper turned around who has kissed the saint
Lift like a trumpet shout, and the bridegroom come
See the bride and the spirit are one,
Then won’t you who are thirsty invite him to come?
With your door opened wide,
Won’t you listen in the dark for the midnight cry?
And see when your light is on that the bridegroom comes.
Inner cold outer darkness are gone
Guests who would not their own wedding garment put on
Tho’ the chosen are few, won’t you tarry by your lamp till he calls for you?
And pray that your love endure till the bridegroom comes.
When the halt and the lame meet the son,
And he sees for the blind and he speaks for the dumb,
Let their poor hearts complaint
Like the leper turned around who has kissed the saint,
Lift like a trumpet shout, and the bridegroom come.
See the builders despising the stone,
See the pearl of great price and the dry desert bones.
By the Pharisees cursed,
Be exultant with the rose when the last are first,
And see how his mercy shines as the bridegroom comes.
Hear the bride and the spirit say come,
Then won’t you who are weary invite in the son?
When your heart’s love is high,
Won’t you hasten to the place where the hour is nigh?
And see that your light is on, for the bridegroom comes
See that your light is on, for the bridegroom comes.
Article Comments:
Sister Kathleen 02/02/2021 @ 7:41 am
What a treasure for reflection! This song is packed with Scriptural images and inspirited poetry. It surely is food for prayer. Thank you for including it on the site, and thank you to Judee for sharing your giftedness.